Gil Ovadia Leibovich – Israel
Lawyer, specialist in family law
Gil Ovadia Leibovich specializes in legal support of married couples in the surrogacy procedure. He also deals with legal support for same-sex couples and single people who want to learn the joy of parenthood in the same way. To date, he is considered one of the most famous and in demand specialists in this industry.
Since 2006, Leibovich has been a member of Israel Association of Lawyers. He has accumulated impressive experience, providing consultations to individuals and legal entities in the field of civil and commercial law. His practice of participating in court proceedings is a great advantage for clients. Gil Ovadia Leibovich always defends the interests of clients with devotion and professionalism.
Gil Ovadia Leibovich is convinced of the need for an individual approach to the situation of each client. In this he is in agreement with other members of the big and friendly Royal Surrogacy family.
Dr. Juan Pablo Rojas Pascual – Argentina
Lawyer, owner of the Rojas Pascual
ABOGADOS Law Firm, specialist in corporate and fertility law. Juan Pablo Rojas Pascual specializes in legal support of intended parents in surrogacy journey. He counseled numerous local and international people and couples who want to expand their family through the surrogacy.
In addition to his registration in the Mendoza Bar Association and federal registration to practice the profession, Juan Pablo Rojas Pascual also obtained registration and membership in other bar associations in the country, such as the Bar Association of the Federal Capital (which enables to litigate and assist in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires), the Quilmes Bar Association (which enables to litigate in the Province of Buenos Aires), and the Villa María Bar Association (which enables to have practice in the Province of Córdoba ).
Juan Pablo Rojas Pascual together with his colleagues established AAAGS (Argentine Association of Lawyers for Solidarity Gestation), which is an organization to study, research and support intended parents all over the world. he is the Founding Member and a current President.